an under construction sign of a stickman worker shoveling dirt

Itsa work in progress!

Analogue Catalogue

Hello! We're Analogue, also titled 'The Fairgrounds'. We're an adaptive system of mixed origins, we are autistic, alterhuman, complicatedly queer and genderweird, among other things.

When referring to us, we would like to be called a system. We don't like being called a collective unless it's directly from one of us 'mates, as that term has been forced upon non-disordered and non-traumagenic systems far too much for us to feel comfortable with it. We respect others' right to label themselves as such, of course.
Pronoun-wise, we would like to be addressed with they/he/she/xe/xer/ze/hir pronouns. We use I/me and we/us interchangeably to address ourselves collectively. Our collective pronouns are not applicable to headmates as individuals, they have their own pronoun preferences.
As individuals, we would like to be called headmates, or plurets/plurans. That's a term we've heard that is catchy enough to be experimented with.

We have shared interests in (primarily clinical) psychology, the complexity of personal 'human' identity, fandom and fiction, arts & crafts, animals, and more.
We're anti-abuse/harassment, anti-misinformation, and anti-censorship. Psych-critical, anti-capitalist, pro-bodily autonomy. We are pro-endogenic, pro-tulpamancy, queer "radical" inclusionist, alterhuman inclusionist, pro-equity.

Links 🔗

You can follow our site if you have a neocities account, here's where you can do so.
⭐ To find the index again, follow the star.

Click any of the below links to be taken to another area of the site!

📜 Our code of conduct, the rules we follow to keep this site manageable.
🛒 A credits page, to share resources that we use and give credit where it's due.
📚 Information and resources, where you can learn about things.
🎨 Our gallery, where you can see pretty colors and words.
📖 Our blog posts, AKA our online journal.
🌷 Our dedicated shrines, where we express how much we love what we love.
🖇️ Connections, a way out of here and to other interesting places.
🏠 Spaces, where individual headmates claim their own page on the site.
🏢 Our system space, a place where the collective system is represented as a whole.

Changelog 📅

To-do list


Created system.html, spaces.html, credit.html, and added more to-do and more links. Zinc is the first to get a space! Piccolo made a blog post!
Rebranded the site to 'Analogue Catalogue'! Created and styled the front page, the blog page, the code of conduct page, and had a blast.