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Blog posts from our 'mates!

a picture of a hand gripping a tbh creature plush
Date: 10/18/2023
Written by: Piccolo
having a project to work on and feel proud of feels fucking amazing. honestly every time we've attempted site building we were doing it with as little extra effort as possible? like. live-updating, using-neocities's-built-in-editor-for-large-changes type effort.
but with this try, we're using visual studio code, which apparently has guidance for html/css? (we might've chosen a setting for it when setting it up for minecraft modding (we didnt get far in that if youre wondering) just in case we ever did try it ig) we learned some code that would have been lovely to have the last 4 times we tried to build a site!
anyway, this time our code is like legos instead of tetris. if that makes sense.
yipeeeee we are improving !!! 🎉🙌🙌🎊

(P.s. the icon is from some amazon product and i want it so bad but i doubt amazon is selling it legitimately so off to etsy i go to perceive the original work)
an illustration of a dog from a black&white manga holding a knife in its mouth
Date: 10/14/2023
Mood: Silly
Written by: Analogue
imma barbie girl livin in mah own worlde...